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Eagle Hill Nature Trail, Roosevelt-Campobello International Park

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Castalia Marsh Beach


Castalia Marsh Gallery


Store Fundy West

Quick Facts

Difficulty easy
Trail Type linear
Distance 500 metres
Estimated Time 20 mins
Surface Type sand, gravel
Elevation Change 5 metres
Features marsh, beach
Trail Markers none but easy to follow
Scenery Rating beautiful
Maintenance Rating well maintained
Cell Reception strong
Dog Friendly on a leash
Fees none


Castalia Beach is a gravelly and sandy beach that protects the Castalia saltwater marsh from the Bay of Fundy. There are several streams that flow into the marsh and the tidal waters from the bay flow into the marsh twice a day.

From the lookouts at the beach you can view Long Island out in the bay. Walk out to the end of the beach to get the best viewing location for waterfowl in the marsh. You will see ducks, geese and seagulls of all kinds in the grassy marsh. This is a great place to watch the sun rise over Long Island. If you look off in the distance to the left from the beach you should be able to see the Swallowtail Lighthouse in the distance.

Castalia Beach


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From the ferry terminal at North Head turn left onto route 776. Drive along the coast for 5.5 kilometres and you will see the sign for Castalia Marsh on your left. Turn into Marsh Road and park in one of the parking areas by the beach.

Castalia Marsh sign

Trail Last Hiked: August 7, 2021.

Page Last Updated: August 15, 2021.