Hiking NB

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Eagle Hill Nature Trail, Roosevelt-Campobello International Park

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Friar's Bay Trail

Herring Cove Provincial Park


Store Fundy West


Quick Facts

Difficulty moderate
Trail Type linear
Distance 570 metres
Estimated Time 30 mins return
Surface Type forested
Elevation Change 21 metres
Features forest, pond
Trail Markers green squares
Scenery Rating special features
Maintenance Rating well maintained
Cell Reception medium
Dog Friendly on a leash
Fees none
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The trail enters a mainly hardwood forest and drops down over a small hill away from the road. The trail then cuts through the deep moss as the forest transitions to spruce dominated. The end of the trail runs along the edge of a long, narrow man-made pond. There is an interpretive sign on the Adams Estate Promenade Trail that explains how this pond was used to gather ice for the ice houses of year round residents.


Just past Roosevelt Park and before the Fireside Restaurant on route 774 the trail enters the woods on the right. Another access trail runs along the road just inside the woods between an old historic house and the fireside restaurant. This access trail bisects the first one (see map). The trail can also be accessed from the Carriage Road Trail and the Adams Estate Promenade Trail near the man-made pond.

Trail Last Hiked: June 3, 2017.

Page Last Updated: December 21, 2017.