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Eagle Hill Nature Trail, Roosevelt-Campobello International Park

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Hyla Park Nature Preserve Trails




Quick Facts

Difficulty easy
Trail Type loop
Distance 1.6 km mapped
Estimated Time 30 minutes
Surface Type crushed rock
Elevation Change 14 metres
Features wetland, forest
Trail Markers gray paint marks
Scenery Rating special features
Maintenance Rating variable
Cell Reception strong
Dog Friendly on a leash
Fees none


On Greenwood Drive in Fredericton find the Baptist Church. Drive behind the church and continue to the back of the parking lot. On the other side of the walking trail is another parking lot. Park here. You will see the shelter that marks the start of the trail on the right hand side of the parking lot.


Fredericton Trails book


Hyla park is a small, but very interesting park with several trails. From the parking lot the trail drops down into a wetland that is mostly under water in the spring of the year. There are beautiful hardwoods around the edges, and several small, cattail lined ponds in the middle. Hyla park has the distinction of being the first amphibean park in Canada. It was originally created to help protect the gray tree frog. You will find all types of animals, birds and amphibeans in this park.

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Trail Last Hiked: September 15, 2017.

Page Last Updated: March 8, 2018.