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Eagle Hill Nature Trail, Roosevelt-Campobello International Park

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Hartland Riverfront Trail


Hartland Riverfront Trail Gallery


Store Upper St. John River

Quick Facts

Difficulty easy
Trail Type linear
Distance 310 metres
Estimated Time 15 mins
Surface Type grass
Elevation Change 10 meters
Features longest covered bridge
Trail Markers none but easy to follow
Scenery Rating must-see
Maintenance Rating well maintained
Cell Reception strong
Dog Friendly yes
Fees none


The Riverfront Trail is a short, grassy trail that showcases the longest covered bridge in the world. The trail starts behind the visitor centre at the end of the covered bridge. The trail goes under the covered bridge and along the river, passing by a gazebo and parking lot before looping up to the road.

Hartland Bridges

On my last visit there was a bald eagle hanging out on the roof of the covered bridge. He didn't seem bothered by the crowd that was accumulating. He eventually flew up river to join the other eagles. There were also lots of ducks and geese swimming in the water below the bridge. When walking on this trail enjoy the beautiful views and watch for wildlife!

Where the trail ends on Main Street, it is a short distance on Maple Street to get to the Valley Trail. Turn left on the valley trail to continue to walk up through the river valley. Just before crossing a train bridge on Becaguimac Stream turn right into a parking area and access the Becaguimac Stream Nature Trails.


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The best way to access this trail is to drive through the covered bridge to downtown Hartland. From here you can turn right into the visitor centre, or turn left and park in the parking lot. In either case you will find the trail down the hill towards the river.

Stairs down to the trail from the parking lot

Other Trails in Hartland

Trail Last Hiked: July 19, 2020.

Page Last Updated: October 23, 2021.