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Eagle Hill Nature Trail, Roosevelt-Campobello International Park

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Two Meadows Trail


Two Meadows Trail


Store Fundy West

Quick Facts

Difficulty easy
Trail Type loops
Distance 1.4 km
Estimated Time 45 minutes
Surface Type crushed rock, forested
Elevation Change 16 meters
Features old fields
Trail Markers blue/orange ribbons
Scenery Rating recreational
Maintenance Rating variable
Cell Reception strong
Dog Friendly yes
Fees none


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The Two Meadows Trail has two main loops. It looks like they used to be wide crushed rock trails. They are now grown in with grass and have washouts. There are several side trails that go out from these two main loops. some of them access adjacent properties and the ones along the back access the golf course. The main loops pass through a couple of small meadows while some of the side trails are quite wet and have pallets on them to help keep you out of the mud.

Two Meadows Trail through the alders

From the Sign

White Birch

~ Betula papyrifera ~ Bouleau blanc

White birch is best known for its papery white bark - easily peeled by mischievous children! It is a fast-growing, pioneer tree, very common in recent clear-cuts, old fields, and recently burned lands.

White birch provides a food source and nesting habitat for Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, Downy Woodpeckers, and Black-capped Chickadees, among others. The bark of large, old white birch trees provides the main material for birch-bark canoes.

Upper life expectancy: 130 years
Tolerance of Shade: low

White Birch and Trembling Aspen sign

Trembling Aspen

~ Populus tremuloides ~ Peuplier faux-tremble

Trembling aspen leaves have a flat stem that attaches to the leaf at right angles. This allows the leaves to tremble in the slightest breeze, and hence the name. Trembling aspen is the fastest growing tree in the Acadian Forest. It is also the most widely distributed tree in North America - growing from Cape Breton to Alaska to Mexico. Whereever they grow, they are well-known for their bright yellow leaves in the fall.

Trembling aspen often grow in clumps. All of the individual stems in such clumps are actually part of the same tree - the stems are connected underground to a central 'parent' tree.

Upper life expectancy: 100 years
Tolerance of Shade: low

From the Sign

Red Maple

Acer rubrum ~ Erable rouge

Red maple can be identified by its red twigs and buds. Of course, its brilliant yellow or red fall colour is also a well-known characteristic. Red maple is a fairly fast growing tree, and can tolerate a wide range of soil and moisture conditions.

Red Maple sign

Upper life expectancy: 130 years
Tolerance of Shade: medium

From the Sign

White Ash

~ Fraxinus americana ~ FrĂȘne blanc

White ash has characteristic compound leaves, each of which has seven stalked leaflets. Its seeds are an important food source for birds such as finches and grosbeaks, as well as small mammals such as mice and squirrels.

White Ash sign

White ash wood is strong and relatively flexible - which makes it the classic choice for snowshoes, canoe ribs and gunnels, hockey sticks and archery bows.

Upper life expectancy: 200 years
Tolerance of Shade: medium


When driving into Saint Andrews on Harriet Street turn right towards the Blockhouse instead of left onto water street. Drive past the Blockhouse and after 500 metres you will see the sign for the trail on the right. Turn into the small parking area by the sign.

Two Meadows Trail

From the Sign

The Shaded Forest

Station 8

There is little ground cover in the shade of this dense cover of Cedar and Spruce. Nevertheless, these trees harbour a cream-coloured Ruffled Fungus and are a favoured feeding site for woodpeckers. The wet area between here and station 9, supports a profuse growth of Forget-me-nots, the symbol of love. Club Mosses are abundant here but, as spring progresses are overgrown by buttercups, horsetails, and various grasses.

The Shaded Forest sign

Trail Last Hiked: April 10, 2021.

Page Last Updated: November 17, 2021.