Hiking NB

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Eagle Hill Nature Trail, Roosevelt-Campobello International Park

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Fuller Falls


Fuller Falls Trail


Store Fundy East

Quick Facts

Difficulty easy
Trail Type linear
Distance 0.8 km one way
Estimated Time 15 mins
Surface Type wooden stairs
Elevation Change 26 meters
Features waterfall
Trail Markers signs
Scenery Rating beautiful
Maintenance Rating well maintained
Cell Reception minimal
Dog Friendly on a leash
Fees yes


The Fuller Falls trail is a short trail that crosses the Multi-Use Trail then descends by a set of cable stairs to a viewing platform. The viewing platform overlooks the waterfall, the stream and the lush green valley below the falls.

Fuller Falls is a small veil falls that is 15 meters tall and pours into the ravine at an angle opposite that of the stream flowing away. The angled red sandstone rocks and the green foliage surrounding the falls makes for great photo opportunities. The stream continues down over several more falls until it reaches the shore at Melvin Beach. For directions to the lower falls see the Melvin Beach Trail. It's more difficult to access but equally as interesting as Fuller Falls.

Fuller Falls


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For directions to the park go to the Fundy Trail Parkway page.

From the park gate travel 4.2 km and you will see a small parking area on the right. There is also a bigger parking area to the left for overflow parking. The small parking area on the right is at the trail head to Fuller Falls.

Trail Start

Trail Last Hiked: October 8, 2012.

Page Last Updated: February 7, 2020.