Hiking NB

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The Most Definitive Guide to Hiking in New Brunswick

Eagle Hill Nature Trail, Roosevelt-Campobello International Park

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Explore! Explore your world. Go find the most amazing, the most beautiful, and the most sacred places. The simplest way to do it is on foot. Just decide where you want to explore and start walking. It will change you. You will return a changed person. Stronger, happier and more appreciative of the people and the world around you.

We have explored some of the most spectacular places in New Brunswick. We share it with you to inspire you to explore. To help you make that first step. Once you make that first step it's up to you what adventures your life will hold.




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What's New

June 18, 2023

Check out our new Kid's Corner where you will find resources to get you kids interested in hiking and keep them interested.

Muskrat for Kids Corner Link


If you are new to hiking in New Brunswick and don't know where to start check out the Get Started section.

Occasional Hikers

If you have hiked before in New Brunswick and are looking for trail ideas, or the right trail for you go to the Get Inspired section. You can also browse our social media channels to get inspiration and ideas.

Seasoned Hikers

If you are experienced in hiking in New Brunswick and are just looking for new trail ideas go to the Get Info section and find a trail that you haven't hiked before.

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Trails Hiked: 590

Trails Uploaded: 585