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Eagle Hill Nature Trail, Roosevelt-Campobello International Park

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Mulholland Lighthouse Trail

Roosevelt Campobello International Park


Mulholland Point Lighthouse Trail gallery


Store Fundy West

Quick Facts

Difficulty easy
Trail Type loop
Distance 150 metres
Estimated Time 15 minutes
Surface Type crushed rock
Elevation Change 3 metres
Features lighthouse
Trail Markers signs
Scenery Rating beautiful
Maintenance Rating well maintained
Cell Reception US carriers
Dog Friendly on a leash
Fees none


This short, narrow trail circles the point below the lighthouse with beautiful views of the Lubec Narrows and the town of Lubec, Maine. The trail was built around the top of the breakwater by the US army core of engineers. From the trail there are also views of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Bridge that connects Campobello Island to Lubec. In the cove between the lighthouse and the bridge at low tide you will see an old lobster holding pond.

Lobster holding pen next to the Mulholland Point Lighthouse

Next to the lighthouse is a small, red shed that holds a whale research station. Inside you will find lots of information about whales in the Bay of Fundy. There are also several picnic tables around the parking area. This is a beautiful place to have a picnic.


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To get to the lighthouse, take Narrows Road on the left after climbing the hill near Canadian Customs. You can access the other end of Narrows Road on the left before you get to the Roosevelt Campobello International Park. Look for the road that travels parallel to the main road for a short distance.

Stairs down to the trail around the point at Mulholland Point Lighthouse

There are three sets of stairs down to the trail. One to the left before you get to the lighthouse, one on the point behind the lighthouse, and one on the right in the trees near a couple of shelters.

Trail Last Hiked: February 19, 2023.

Page Last Updated: February 3, 2024.