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Eagle Hill Nature Trail, Roosevelt-Campobello International Park

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Friar's Bay Beach Walk

Roosevelt Campobello International Park


Friar's Bay Beach Gallery


Store Fundy West

Quick Facts

Difficulty easy
Trail Type linear
Distance 640 metres
Estimated Time 30 minutes return
Surface Type gravel beach
Elevation Change 6 metres
Features Friar Rock Formation
Trail Markers signs
Scenery Rating beautiful
Maintenance Rating well maintained
Cell Reception medium
Dog Friendly on a leash
Fees none


At low tide you can access the Friar rock formation from Friar's Bay Beach. We were there at mid-tide and didn't have enough beach to access the rock outcrop. The outcrop looks like a Friar standing next to the point. We went as close as we could but got better views when we were closer to Roosevelt Cottage looking back. Vicki looked for interesting rocks along the beach while I tried to get video of the Buffleheads diving in the bay. There are usually ducks swimming near the fish pens in the bay. When we got in front of Roosevelt Cottage, we were fascinated by the tall poles that stood in a line out into the bay. They had white, pointy caps. After a while we figured out that in the summer months a dock was attached to them. Their height allowed the dock to raise and drop with the extreme Fundy tides.

The Friar from Friar's Head Beach

The Friar's Bay Beach Walk is a short walk but interesting, with lots to see. It makes a great way to access the Friar's Head Lookout and makes a great loop by returning on Roosevelt Cottagge Multi-Use Trail. You can reverse the loop if the tide is too high at the start.


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The best way to access the beach is to park at the main parking lot at the Roosevelt Cottage Visitor Centre. From here walk to the end of the parking lot where you will find a paved road on the right. Take this road down to the beach.

Dock at Roosevelt Cottage on Friar's Bay Beach

To access the beach near Friar's Head, drive in the Friar's Head Lookout Road. After a short distance you will cross the wide, crushed-rock Roosevelt Multi-Use Trail. Park somewhere close without blocking the road or the trail. Turn right (towards Roosevelt Cottage) on the Multi-Use Trail. In a short distance you will see a hiking sign pointing across the field on the left. Follow this trail down across the field. After going through a patch of spruce you will come out to the stairs down to the beach.

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Trail Last Hiked: February 19, 2023.

Page Last Updated: February 3, 2024.