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Eagle Hill Nature Trail, Roosevelt-Campobello International Park

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Roosevelt Campobello International Park

Campobello Island



Roosevelt Campobello International Park encompasses the southern tip of Campobello Island. It is separated from Herring Cove Provincial Park by the Glensevern Road. Roosevelt Campobello International Park is about half forested and half bogs. Several trails travel along the coast while others travel along the edge of bogs. There are many lookouts along the trails to help you enjoy the many amazing views.


On the Sunsweep Trail overlooking Raccoon Beach


Your cell phone will pick up US cellular networks in this park. If you are from Canada and don't want to incur international cell phone charges, you may want to turn off roaming on your cell phone. The same applies if you are visiting from the US and don't want to pick up Canadian cell networks.


The Friar's Head Trail takes you around Friar's Head and up to the Friar's Head lookout platform. From the lookout you can see Lubec and Eastport Maine, and Friar's Bay in front of the Roosevelt cottages. At low tide you can explore Friar's Bay Beach and walk around to the front of Friar's Head where you will find the friar. The friar is a tall rock formation that is separated from the rocky cliffs and looks like a Friar.

The Customs House Trail starts near the bridge from Lubec, Maine and travels along the Lubec channel to Fox Farm meadow. Continue past Fox Farm Meadow and get on the Cranberry Point Trail to continue around the point to Upper Duck Pond. Instead of the Cranberry Point Trail, you can cross Fox Farm Meadow on the wide, crushed rock Duck Pond Multi-Use Trail. This trail travels through a mostly spruce forest for 2.7 kilometres until it comes to the dome bog at Lower Duck Pond. There are plans for a boardwalk to continue through the bog to the lookout platform at Lower Duck Pond Beach.

At Lower Duck Pond you can explore the beach or continue on the Liberty Point to Lower Duck Pond Trail to Liberty Point. You could also take the wider Lower Duck Pond to Raccoon Beach Trail through the woods to Raccoon Beach.

There are several lookout platforms at Liberty Point. It is one of the most popular parts of the park next to the historic cottages. From here you can see across to the West Quoddy Head Lighthouse in Maine and see the cliffs of Grand Manan in the distance. You will also see Sugarloaf Rock, which is also called Frog Rock. If you look closely at the ragged point to the left, you will see the Sunsweep statue at the end of the point. The Sunsweep Trail will take you to the statue on Ragged Point and continue up the jagged coast to Raccoon Beach.

Another popular trail is the Eagle Hill Bog Trail. This trail has a boardwalk that loops through a bog with lots of interpretive signs. At the back of the loop, you can climb up to a lookout platform that overlooks the bog, Lake Glensevern, and Herring Cove.


You can make several loops out of the park trails. The Cranberry Point Trail and Upper Duck Pond to Fox Farm Meadow Trails make about a 5-kilometre loop. The Sunsweep Trail, Liberty Point to Lower Duck Pond Trail, and Lower Duck Pond to Raccoon Beach Trail make about a 7-kilometre loop. These loops both have a mix of rocky shoreline, forest, and bogs. If you are feeling ambitious you could also use the Glensevern Road to make one giant loop of the whole park.

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Page Last Updated: January 20, 2024.