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Eagle Hill Nature Trail, Roosevelt-Campobello International Park

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Mount Sagamook Trail


Mount Sagamook Trail


Store Appalachian Region

Quick Facts

Difficulty strenuous
Trail Type loop
Distance 6.1 km
Estimated Time 4 to 5 hours return
Surface Type forest, rock
Elevation Change 412 meters
Features peak, rocky outcrops
Trail Markers blue squares
Scenery Rating must see
Maintenance Rating well maintained
Cell Reception variable
Dog Friendly on a leash
Fees park entrance - cash only


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For directions to the park go to the Mount Carleton Park page.

From the front gate drive for 7.4 kilometres. On the way you will pass by the road to Armstrong Brook Campground, the field that is the group campground, and the road to the Mount Carleton Trail.

At 7.4 km you will find a parking lot along the road on the right. The trail starts to the left of the parking area. Hike in the woods for a short distance on the Caribou Brook Trail and then turn right onto the Mount Sagamook Trail.

Mount Sagamook Trailhead


The Mount Carleton Peak Trail is the most popular hike in the park but the Mount Sagamook Trail has the best views (imho). The trail starts to climb right away. After a short distance you will come to a split in the trail. The trail is a large loop. Going right is a steep, more direct way to the peak, and is the most popular choice if you don't have time to do the whole loop. It has the more iconic views. Going left is a more gradual climb up to a ridge that you will follow up to the peak.

There are several switchbacks on the trail to the right. The trail is rocky and rooty so watch your footing. Soon you will come out of the trees onto a more rocky part of the trail that is a bit of a scramble. Make sure you look back at this point. You will be looking down at Nictau Lake and a heart shaped island. Continue to climb and you will eventually come to a side trail. Going right here will take you out to a few large rocky outcrops that overlook Nictau Lake. Caution: if you decide to climb on the rocky outcrops do so at your own risk. They are steep sided with large drops and covered in loose rock.

Heart Island on Mount Sagamook Trail

Continue past the side trail and after a short climb you will come tothe junction with with the Mount Head Trail near the peak. The peak is a rocky outcrop to pokes up above the trees. The peak is back from the ridge so you can no longer see the lake below. You can however look across the Mount Carleton Plateau to Mount Head and Mount Carleton to the south.

Continue past the peak and you will start to descend the other side of the loop. The trail travels down along a ridge and provides several nice views of the valleys below and Bathurst Lake in the distance. The trail comes to a side trail to a lookout. The lookout is further down the ridge. The trail to the lookout climbs down through the woods and then back up to the lookout on the ridge. The lookout has nice views of Bathurst lake on one side and of Nictau Lake on the other. Past the lookout side trail the main trail slowly descends down the mountain at an angle until it comes to the trail junction at the bottom.

Bathurst Lake from the ridge on Mount Sagamook Trail

From the Sign


This area of New Brunswick has long been known for its abundance of wildlife. Reports from the 1900's talk of seeing 25 moose a day, catching 20lbs of trout in 15 minutes, ending a day with 4 or more salmon or counting 60 deer on the lake. The sportmen's photos and trophies interested otheres and Tobique County became "the" place for sportsmen. The Tobique Club was established in 1890 to protect and reserve salmon on part of the Tobique River. Guides operating sporting camps controlled other areas. Adam Moore was at the narrow junction of the Nictau Lakes. The Nepisiguit Lakes were covered by; George Armstrong on Armstrong Brook, William Buckley on the west shore and Charlie Cremins at first opposite Pine Point then, after a forest fire, close to this ford. Because it was their livelihood they were excellent protectors of fish and game.

In 1925 a number of the "sports" and Burtt Moore, a guide, organized The Nictau Fish and Game Club which purchased Adam Moore's camps and a few years later Charlie Cremins' camps. By limiting membership to 30 they were assured several weeks of uncrowded hunting and fishing each season. Memberships could be sold (for $4000 in 1938) and many elite Americans of those times belonged - the Barnes - major railway contractors; the Phelps - with newspaper, mining and trust company interests; the Spruances - Vice-President of Dupont Chemicals. Guests included - Babe Ruth, Theodore Roosevelt. Their stories and recollections make fascinating reading. Travel arrangements inlcluded train, horse and wagon, being poled or paddled in a canoe and a 3 kilometre portage. The club flourished with some members building their own log camps on the Nictau site and staying up to 6 weeks each summer and fall. Colourful memories are still retold by local men who were guides for the club.

The camps were all purchased in 1970 when Mount Carleton Provincial Park was formed. Those on Nictau provide accomodations for work crews and departmental staff while the Nepisiguit camps are used by groups intent upon a semi-wilderness type of experience. Hunting, of course, is not allowed within the park boundaries.

Blog Post

An Evening on Mount Sagamook Blog Post

Trail Last Hiked: September 26, 2020.

Page Last Updated: November 28, 2020.